Blood Relation

Blood Relation


* Mother's / Father's Son : Your Relation By Blood 👉 Brother

* Mother's / Father's Daughter : Sister

* Father's Brother : Paternal Uncle

*Mother's Brother : Maternal Uncle

* Mother's / Father's sister : (Paternal / Maternal ) Aunt.

* Mother's / Father's Father : Grandfather (Maternal/Paternal WRT. Mom & Dad)

* Mother's / Father's mother : Grandmother (Maternal / Paternal WRT.  Mom & Dad)

* Son's Wife : Daughter in law.

* Daughters husband : Son in law.

* Husband's / Wife's father : Father's in law.

* Husband's / Wife's Mother : Mother in law.

* Husband's / Wife's sister : Sister in law.

* Sisters Husband : Brothers in law.

* Brothers / Sisters Son : Nephew.

* Brother's / father's Daughter : Niece.

* Son / Daughters of uncle / aunt : Cousin.

First Generation :-  Grandfather, Grandmother.

Second Generation :- Father, Mother, Uncle, Aunt.

Third Generation :- Self, Sister, Brother, Sister in law, Brother in law, Cousin.

# Male is represented by "(+)"

# Female is represented by "(-)"

# Marriage couple (between A & B):-  "A(+)↔️ B(-)"

  Same level is indicated by "➡️"

Young Generation (i.e. level down ) is indicated by "⬇️"

Older Generation (level up) is denoted by "⬆️"

How to Approach:-

1. Break the question into very small part.

2. Draw clear diagrams as you solve.

3. Do not assume the gender.

Types of problems :-

1. Single person Blood Relations.

2. Mixed Blood Relations.

3. Coded Blood Relations.

Problem & Solution

❓ Introduction a boy, a girl said, "He is the son of the daughter of the Father of my uncle." How is the boy related to the girl?


Generation- Father            ➡️Aunt(-)

                        ⬆️  (+) Uncle ➡️ Aunt (-)

                        ⬇️(-)The girl ➡️ The boy(+)

 Now the relationship is Brother or Cousin.

Representation diagram:

If A is the brother of B, B is the sister of C and C is the father of D. How D is related to A?

a. Brother b. Sister c. Nephew d. Cannot be determined.


A(+) ➡️ B(-) ➡️ C(-)

⬇️                       ⬇️


Now, we are conferm that, the answer is cannot be determined.

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