Sense of Organ of Immune System:
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Immunity is the ability of an organism to recognise the foreign material (organism or chemical) that enter the body & to mobalised the cell and the cell product to speedily remove the foreign material.
Development of Immunity:
1.Immunity through the Disease: Response of a person to the infection of a pathogenic organisms varies through time. The first time he/she gets infection of a pathogen is lightly develop the disease. Subsequent infection of the some Pathogen doesn't caused the disease. Because after the first infection the body immune system recognised it and developed antibody against it. So, subsequent infection can't caused disease.
Vaccination: It is the technique to develop immunity without infection. Weakened and death pathogen or portion of pathogen are injected into a person who is required to be made immune. The pathogen given in a vaccine are unable to Caused the disease but are sufficient to stimulate the formation of antibodies by the hosts immune system that recognises the antigen (death pathogen). Thus a vaccinated person developes immunity against the pathogen without contracting the disease.
Antitoxin: Antibodies that nutralised toxins produced in the body or introduced from outside are called an Antitoxin. Antitoxin are these days prepared artificially and used a remidies for different diseases.
Types of Immunity:
There are two major types of Immunity.
- Innate immunity or Natural or Non-specific immunity.
- Acquired immunity or adaptive immunity.
1) Innate immunity: This types of Immunity is present in an organism by birth. This is activated immediately when the pathogen attacks. Innate immunity includes certain barriers and defence mechanism that keep foreign particles out of the body.
Innate immunity refers to the body's defence system. This immunity helps us by providing the natural resistance components including salivary enzyme, natural killer cells, intact skin and neutrophils etc. Which produce an initial response against the infections at birth prior to exposure to a pathogen or antigen.
It is a long term immunity in which our bodys producess the antibodies on it's own. Our body has few natural barriers to prevent the entry of pathogens.
2) Acquired immunity: Acquired immunity or adaptive immunity is the immunity that our body acquires or gains over time. The ability of the immune system to adapt itself to disease and to generate pathogen specific immunity is termed as acquired immunity. It is also known as adaptive immunity.
It is specific and mediated by antibodies or lymphocytes which makes the antigen (pathogen) harmless. This main function of acquired immunity is to relieve the victim of the infectious disease and also prevents it's attack in future. It mainly consist of an advanced lymphatic defence system which functions by recognising the own body cells and not reacting to them.
Acquired immunity can be divided into two types.
- Active immunity
- Passive immunity
1) Active immunity: Immunity that developed after being exposed to an infection or from getting a vaccine.
It also can be divided into two types.
Natural: Antibodies made after exposure to an infection.
Artificial: Antibodies made after getting a vaccination.
2) Passive immunity: Immunity which acquired from someone or something else.
It also division into two types
Natural: Antibodies transmitted from mother to baby via mother's milk.
Artificial: Antibodies acquired from immune serum medicine.