Latter writing

Latter writing

 Write a letter to your friend about your favourite hobby. (From Exam Hall)

Dear                            From Exam Hall

        Uday.                 Date: X April, 202X

        I received your letter yesterday. I am very glad to know that you are well. I am also quite well by the grace of God. In your latter you have wanted to know about my favourite hobby now, i am giving.

        My favourite hobby is reading books of literature. Reading literature books is an interesting hobby to me because when I think over now techniques during creating new stories or poems. My mind is pushed towards the creative work and new ideas are developed. Literature or drama writing can also be a paying hobbies. School, college and other academic institutes use reading as a major tool in imparting education to students to be honest. Reading has helped me evolve into a better human being.

   No more write for today, convey my best regards to your parents with love.

Your loving friends

Your Name Here.


         To                Stamp                
Name:       Example Dutta
C/O:          Example Father name
Dstrict:.   Jorhat
State:.           Assam
PO. :               Put Here
Pin:.               78510*


Notice :

Write a letter to your friend about home quarantine during Lock down season.

NLK Road.                                     From
Majuli.                                  Examination Hall
26th Sept. 2020

Dear Friend
            Take my hearty love at the very beginning of my writing. I hope you are going on well from all respects. I am also quite well by the grace of God.

             I hope all is well at your place. You know that the third week of March lockdown has been started. I'm spending time now a rutine life. I use to get up early in the morning and spent sometimes exercises. I would ready my lesson do my home work two hours. I take my lunch and Take rest. In the afternoon I draw pictures and read romantic poems.

                After evening i am busy with my study. If I go outside of my house, i always cover my nose, mouth with mask. I hope that you with take care of your health.

                 No more write today. Please convey my regards to your parents with love and best wishes.

Your loving friends
Abcd Dutta.


         To                Stamp                
Name:       Example Dutta
C/O:            Example Father name
Village:     Amar Axom
District:    Jorhat
State:.           Assam
PO. :               Put Here
Pin:.               78510*
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