Immunogenicity || Antigenicity -

Immunogenicity || Antigenicity -


Immunogenicity and Antigenicity:

 Immunogenicity the ability of an antigen to induce cellmediated or humoral immunity is called called immunogenicity.

Factors that influenceing immugenicity

       To protect against infectious disases the immuno system must be able to recognise bacteria, bacterial product, fungi, parisites as immunogens.Immuno system actually recognises particular macromolecul of an infectious agent. Generally either proteins or polysaccharides.Protiens are the most immunogen where asa polysaccharide rank second. Lipids and nuclear acid of an infectious agents generally donot such as immunogen. They are complex with protiens and polysaccharide.


Also Read: Differentiation of Antigenicity, Immunogenicity and Allergenicity.

  Intermolecular chemical cross linking induction of agergation by heating and attachments to insoluble matrices havebeen routinely use to increase the insolubility of macromolecul, there by facilitating there phagocytosis and increasing their immunogenicity.

Antigenecity: it is the binding capacity of an antigen with the final product of immuno response ie. antibodies .

On the other hand antigenicity also referred as the ability of an antigen to induce an immunological response when it is encountered by the human body. Antigenicity involves two types of immune characteristics, immunogenicity, and allergenicity. Immunogenicity refers to the ability of an antigen to trigger normal and protective immune responses after being encountered by the human body. We describe the immunogenicity of an antigen using the following three aspects:

 (1) The ability to defend the immune system (immunological defense), which is the ability to repel an exogenous antigen and to fight against infection; 

Also Read: Diffence Between Antigenecity and Immunogenicity 

(2) The ability to keep the immune system stable (immunological homeostasis), which is the ability of the body to recognise and eliminate damaged tissue, inflammation and/or senescent cells, and 

 (3) The ability to kill and to remove abnormally mutated cells so as to monitor and inhibit the growth of malignancies in the body (immunological surveillance). Thus, immunogenicity reflects the strength of these three functions.

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